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admin June 2, 2023 0 Comments

Are you struggling with an ineffective and frustrating website process? You’re not alone. Many clients find themselves facing common web design and development pitfalls that can derail their online presence. At Amivo Ltd, we strive to guard against these pitfalls to make your experience a successful and enjoyable one. If you’re experiencing any of the following issues, it’s time to get in touch with us.

Poor communication

A lack of consistent, transparent communication from your web development team can leave you feeling lost and cause misunderstandings, missed deadlines, and dissatisfaction. At Amivo Ltd, we prioritize open channels of communication through regular meetings, status updates, and responsive communication platforms so you’re never left in the dark. We ensure that our team is available to address any concerns or questions to keep the project moving forward smoothly.

Inadequate project planning

Without proper planning, web projects can suffer from scope creep, unclear objectives, excessive revisions, and delayed completion. Our team at Amivo Ltd takes a methodical approach to planning, including thorough research, requirement gathering, and timeline creation, ensuring a smooth and timely project execution. We make sure to involve all stakeholders in the planning process to align expectations and prevent any surprises down the road.

Unresponsive or slow customer support

Timely support is crucial for addressing your questions or issues. Our commitment to prompt, attentive customer support at Amivo Ltd includes dedicated account managers, multiple contact channels, and a support team available during your preferred hours. This ensures that you feel confident throughout the project and beyond, knowing that assistance is always just a call or message away.

Over-promising and under-delivering

Lofty promises that aren’t met can lead to dissatisfaction and wasted time. We’re committed to setting realistic expectations at Amivo Ltd by providing accurate project estimates, setting achievable goals, and delivering on our commitments for a successful project. We work closely with you to monitor progress and address any obstacles, ensuring that the end result lives up to your expectations.

Insufficient technical expertise

When choosing a web design and development company, it’s essential to find a team with the skills and expertise required. With a team of highly skilled professionals experienced in various web technologies, Amivo Ltd is equipped to create a website that meets your unique needs and objectives. Our team stays up-to-date with the latest industry trends and advancements, ensuring that your website is built on a solid foundation and ready for future growth.

Lack of creativity and innovation

Your website should be fresh, original, and equipped with modern features for an optimal user experience. At Amivo Ltd, we pride ourselves on our creativity and innovation, ensuring your website stands out and performs effectively. Our talented designers and developers work together to create visually appealing, user-friendly, and cutting-edge websites that set you apart from the competition.

Hidden costs and fees

Budgeting is essential for any project, and unexpected fees can wreak havoc on your finances. Amivo Ltd provides transparent pricing with detailed quotes and contracts, keeping you informed and your budget in check. We discuss potential additional costs up front and work closely with you to manage expenses throughout the project, ensuring there are no unpleasant surprises when the final invoice arrives.

Rigid or inflexible processes

Stagnant methods and resistance to change can hinder project success. At Amivo Ltd, we stay up-to-date with emerging technologies and methodologies, embracing flexibility and adaptation as needed. Our agile approach allows us to adjust to changing requirements, while our commitment to continuous improvement ensures that we deliver the best possible results for your project.

Inadequate collaboration

A successful website project requires input and teamwork from both parties. Amivo Ltd fosters a collaborative environment, working closely with clients to ensure the final product meets their expectations and industry standards. We involve you in every step of the process, from planning and design to development and testing, ensuring that your goals are met and your voice is heard.

Inattention to details

Details matter when it comes to user experience, accessibility, and branding. Our thorough attention to every nuance at Amivo Ltd ensures your website leaves a lasting, positive impression. From typography and color schemes to user flow and accessibility, our team meticulously examines every aspect of your website to create a polished, professional final product.

Slow project completion

Timing is everything in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. Amivo Ltd prioritizes efficiency, implementing streamlined processes, and effective time management to prevent loss of revenue and missed opportunities due to delayed completion. Our team works diligently to meet deadlines without sacrificing quality, ensuring that your website is launched on time and ready to make an impact.

Template-driven design

Pre-made templates lack the charm and individuality of a custom design. Our team at Amivo Ltd creates tailor-made solutions, ensuring your website stands out in a crowded digital world. We take the time to understand your brand, audience, and goals, using this information to design a unique, engaging, and memorable website that truly reflects your business. In cases where budgets require that we build from a template, we make the site as bespoke as possible.

Ownership and copyright issues

Protecting your rights and avoiding legal complications is essential. Amivo Ltd respects and supports your ownership rights regarding your website and its content. We provide clear contracts outlining intellectual property and copyright ownership, ensuring that you retain control over your online presence and can use your website and its content as you see fit.

Subpar website performance

Slow loading times, broken links, and other performance issues can harm your online success. Our team at Amivo Ltd is dedicated to ensuring your website performs seamlessly, providing users with a positive experience. We rigorously test and optimize your site for speed, responsiveness, and functionality, ensuring that your visitors have a smooth and enjoyable experience from start to finish.

Lack of proper SEO integration

Your website’s visibility in search results is crucial for success. At Amivo Ltd, we give proper consideration to search engine optimization, integrating SEO strategies from the ground up to help your website rank well and drive traffic. Our team stays current on SEO best practices and algorithms, ensuring that your website is primed for maximum visibility and growth.


Don’t let common web design and development pitfalls hold you back. If you’re experiencing any of these challenges, it’s time to get in touch with Amivo Ltd. We’re dedicated to avoiding these pitfalls and providing you with a successful, enjoyable web project experience. Contact us today to discuss your project and see how we can help you achieve your online goals.

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