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Amivo Internship Program Details

Our Internship Program

Embark on an extraordinary journey with Amivo's Internship Program. Designed to provide hands-on experience, our internships allow you to engage with cutting-edge AI technology and innovative projects. Are you ready to shape the future of business automation and data analysis? Whether you're a student or a recent graduate, our internships offer a unique opportunity to grow, learn, and make a significant impact. Join us to gain practical knowledge, industry exposure, and the chance to work alongside seasoned professionals. Our program is structured to help you turn your theoretical knowledge into real-world skills, preparing you for a thriving career in AI and technology.

Application Process

Application Process

Wondering how to apply for an internship at Amivo? Our process is straightforward. Submit your application online, complete a skills assessment, and participate in an interview. Successful candidates will be onboarded swiftly.


  • Online application form
  • Skills assessment
  • Interview process
  • Swift onboarding
  • Guidance throughout


  • Transparent application process
  • Assessment of relevant skills
  • Personal interaction through interview
  • Quick integration into the team
  • Supportive onboarding experience
Hands-On Projects

Hands-On Projects

Engage in real-world projects that affect our clients directly. You'll work on tasks ranging from process automation to the development of custom AI solutions. This hands-on experience is invaluable for career growth.


  • Real-world projects
  • Process automation tasks
  • Custom AI solutions
  • Impactful contributions
  • Practical experience


  • Direct client impact
  • Experience in process automation
  • Exposure to custom AI development
  • Contribution to innovative projects
  • Practical career building
Mentorship Program

Mentorship Program

Our mentorship program pairs interns with seasoned professionals who provide guidance, industry insights, and career advice. This relationship is vital for skill development and professional growth.


  • Assigned mentors
  • Regular check-ins
  • Career guidance
  • Industry insights
  • Skill development


  • Personalised mentorship
  • Regular professional interaction
  • Career advice and guidance
  • Insights into AI and technology
  • Enhanced skill set
Workshops and Training

Workshops and Training

Participate in workshops and training sessions that cover a wide range of topics, from coding and AI to business analysis and project management. These sessions are designed to enhance your technical and soft skills.


  • Technical workshops
  • Soft skills training
  • Business analysis sessions
  • Project management tutorials
  • Interactive learning


  • Enhanced technical skills
  • Improved soft skills
  • Comprehensive business knowledge
  • Effective project management
  • Interactive and engaging learning
Network Building

Network Building

Build a professional network within and outside Amivo. Engage with peers, industry experts, and AI professionals through various networking events and activities hosted during the internship.


  • Networking events
  • Professional connections
  • Industry interactions
  • Collaborative activities
  • Peer engagement


  • Expanded professional network
  • Opportunities for collaborations
  • Industry insights from experts
  • Stronger peer relationships
  • Increased career opportunities
Performance Feedback

Performance Feedback

Receive regular performance feedback to help identify strengths and areas for improvement. Constructive feedback sessions are held throughout the internship to ensure continuous development.


  • Regular feedback sessions
  • Constructive criticism
  • Strength identification
  • Improvement suggestions
  • Continuous development


  • Personalised performance tracking
  • Focused skill improvement
  • Enhanced strengths
  • Constructive growth areas
  • Ongoing professional development
Career Path Guidance

Career Path Guidance

Navigate your career journey with clear guidance from our experts. Identify your strengths and align them with suitable career paths in AI and technology, ensuring a strong start to your professional life.


  • Expert guidance
  • Strength assessment
  • Career path alignment
  • Goal setting
  • Professional advice


  • Clear career direction
  • Aligned professional goals
  • Optimised strengths
  • Informed career choices
  • Supportive career planning
Certification and References

Certification and References

Upon successful completion of the internship, receive certification and references that bolster your resume. These credentials are valuable assets when applying for future positions.


  • Completion certification
  • Professional references
  • Resume enhancement
  • Credential recognition
  • Future job support


  • Official certification
  • Strong professional references
  • Improved job prospects
  • Recognised credentials
  • Support for future applications

Why Internships?

What challenges are you facing in gaining relevant industry experience? Here's how Amivo can help.

Lack of Experience

Are you struggling to get your foot in the door without prior experience? Most entry-level positions require experience, creating a frustrating paradox. Amivo's internships bridge this gap by offering real-world projects that build your resume and expertise.

Practical Knowledge

Is academia only giving you theoretical knowledge? At Amivo, our internships provide practical, hands-on experience. You'll work on actual projects, understand business needs, and learn how to apply your skills in real-world scenarios.

Guidance and Mentorship

Do you feel lost without proper guidance? Our seasoned professionals mentor you throughout the internship. This guidance ensures you receive support, gain insights, and develop skills that are essential for career growth.

Industry Exposure

Are you aware of the latest industry trends? With Amivo, you'll immerse yourself in the latest AI and coding technologies. You'll gain exposure to industry practices that keep you competitive and informed.

Career Path Clarity

Unsure about your career path? Our diverse projects across different domains help you identify your strengths and interests, providing a clearer direction for your future career in AI and technology.

If you want your business to sail over these challenges with modern software solutions, then request information or a quote. Our expert AI consultants are here to advise you on the best way to integrate solutions into your business to improve your departments and use of data.

Internships at Amivo solve the common challenges faced by budding professionals. Our program provides the experience needed for job applications, practical knowledge beyond academia, mentorship for skill development, exposure to industry trends, and clarity for your career path. We train you to meet real-world business needs through innovative projects in AI and coding!

Internship Capabilities

Here's what you can expect to achieve during your internship with Amivo.

Task Manual Method AI Method
Project Management Traditionally, project management has required tracking tasks, resources, and timelines manually, often using spreadsheets and physical documents. This method can be time-consuming and prone to errors. At Amivo, you'll learn to use AI-driven tools for project management. Automate task assignments, monitor progress in real-time, and utilise predictive analytics for better decision-making and efficient management.
Data Analysis Manually analysing data involves collecting, cleaning, and interpreting data sets, which can be a laborious and error-prone process. It often limits the scope of analysis due to time constraints. With Amivo's advanced data analysis tools, you'll handle large datasets efficiently. Use machine learning algorithms to uncover insights, predict trends, and make data-driven decisions. You'll gain experience in working with sophisticated AI models.
Automated Process Management Businesses without automation rely on manual tracking of processes and workflows, which can lead to inefficiencies, delays, and higher operational costs. Interns will learn to develop Automated Business Process Management (ABPM) systems, streamlining repetitive tasks, minimising errors, and enhancing productivity. You'll be coding solutions that significantly impact business operations.
Custom AI Dashboards Traditionally, monitoring business performance meant manually creating and updating reports, which can be time-consuming and outdated by the time they're complete. With our Custom AI Dashboards, you'll create real-time analytics and KPI tracking systems. These dashboards allow for instant insights and quick data access, enabling timely and informed decision-making.
Business Analysis Manual business analysis involves painstakingly gathering requirements, defining specifications, and ensuring alignment between business objectives and technical implementation. Interns at Amivo will engage in AI-driven business analysis, translating functional requirements into optimal tech specifications with precision. Utilize AI to automate requirement gathering, gap analysis, and project scoping, thereby improving accuracy and efficiency.

Success Stories

AI Development Success

One of our recent interns successfully led a project focused on developing an AI-driven customer service bot. Initially, our client was struggling with high customer service costs and long response times. The project commenced with thorough research and planning. Under guidance from experienced professionals, the intern deployed machine learning algorithms to create a bot capable of handling multiple customer queries simultaneously. The bot was integrated seamlessly into the client's existing system, drastically reducing response times and operational costs. The client reported a 35% increase in customer satisfaction and a 40% reduction in costs. The success story not only highlights our intern's capabilities but also demonstrates Amivo's commitment to innovative solutions.

Data Analysis Achievement

Another intern worked on a data analysis project for a retail client. The client needed to understand purchasing patterns to optimise their inventory management. The intern utilised advanced data analysis tools, cleaning and analysing vast datasets to uncover valuable insights about consumer behaviour. By implementing machine learning models, the intern predicted purchasing trends and identified the most profitable products and sales periods. The results enabled the client to better manage inventory, reducing stockouts by 25% and overstock situations by 30%. This success story showcases the intern's expertise in handling data and Amivo's ability to deliver data-driven solutions.

ROI from Internships

Internships at Amivo provide significant returns on investment for both interns and the company. Here are some key ROI aspects.

Skilled Workforce

Our internship program contributes to building a skilled workforce. Interns leave with enhanced technical skills, industry knowledge, and practical experience, making them valuable assets in their future careers and to any organisation they join.

Innovation Boost

Interns bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas. Their involvement in projects often leads to creative solutions and advancements in our services, contributing directly to the company's growth and reputation as an innovator in AI and technology.

Cost-Effective Solutions

By integrating interns into project teams, we achieve cost-effective solutions. Interns' contributions can lead to significant cost savings for clients through process automation and data-driven insights, making our services more competitive.

Talent Pipeline

Our internships act as a talent pipeline for Amivo. We often hire top-performing interns, ensuring a smooth transition and continuity of knowledge. This reduces recruitment costs and keeps our workforce dynamic and prepared for future challenges.

Why Choose Us

Amivo is the ideal place to begin your career in AI and technology. Here's why you should choose us for your internship.

Cutting-Edge Technology

Our projects are built on the latest AI and coding technologies. You'll work with state-of-the-art tools and platforms, gaining hands-on experience that is both challenging and rewarding.

Experienced Mentors

You won't be navigating this journey alone. Our experienced mentors guide you every step of the way, sharing their industry expertise and providing the support you need to excel.

Real-World Projects

We ensure that our interns work on projects with real-world implications. These projects allow you to apply your academic knowledge in practical settings, making your experience both educational and impactful.

Diverse Learning

Our program covers a wide range of topics, from AI and data science to project management and business analysis. This diversity ensures that you acquire a well-rounded skill set, ready for any challenge.

Networking Opportunities

During your internship, you'll have numerous opportunities to build your professional network. From team collaborations to industry events, you'll make connections that can propel your career forward.

Program Implementation

Our internship program follows a structured implementation process, from the initial application to ongoing mentorship and final assessments.



Start by submitting an online application. This includes your resume, a cover letter, and any relevant project work. Our team reviews applications to identify potential candidates for the next steps.



Shortlisted candidates complete a skills assessment designed to evaluate their technical abilities and problem-solving skills. This helps us understand your strengths and areas for growth.



Successful candidates are invited for an interview. This step includes a discussion on your aspirations, technical knowledge, and suitability for the projects at Amivo.



Selected interns go through an onboarding process. You'll meet your mentors, get acquainted with the tools and technologies, and receive an introduction to Amivo's work culture and project methodologies.


Project Assignment

Interns are assigned to projects matching their skills and interests. You'll receive detailed project briefs and start working on tasks that contribute to client solutions.



Throughout the internship, you'll receive continuous guidance from your mentors. Regular check-in meetings ensure you have the support needed to overcome challenges and grow professionally.


Final Assessment

At the end of the internship, interns undergo a final assessment. This includes a review of project outcomes, feedback sessions, and certification of completion, which can be invaluable for future career opportunities.


Have questions about our internship program? Here are some frequently asked questions to help you understand our process better.

Our internship program lasts for a minimum of three months and can extend up to six months, depending on the project requirements and intern availability. This duration ensures a comprehensive learning experience and significant contribution to real-world projects.

We welcome applications from students, recent graduates, and anyone looking to gain experience in AI and technology. An academic background in computer science, data analysis, or a related field is preferred but not mandatory.

Yes, our internships are paid. We believe in valuing the contributions of our interns fairly. Compensation details are discussed during the interview process, ensuring transparency and mutual agreement.

Basic programming skills, an understanding of AI principles, and familiarity with data analysis tools are beneficial. However, a keen willingness to learn and adapt, problem-solving capabilities, and a proactive attitude are equally important.

Yes, high-performing interns often receive job offers from Amivo. We identify talent and potential throughout the internship. Those who demonstrate excellent performance and alignment with our company values may be offered full-time positions.

Apply Now

Tell us what you are looking to achieve. Be as functional or technical as you wish. We'll then provide you with a document outlining how we can help and how the project could progress.